Posted in JAG, NCIS


Title: Heartbreak
“How many times do you think a heart can break?”
Drama, Romance
pre-Antonia DiNozzo/AJ Chegwidden
Word Count: 6250
some swearing and sexual innuendo, reference to emotional abuse and abandonment, canon-typical violence, public embarrassment, family argument, physical assault
Author’s Note:
sometimes, a prompt punches you in the face. I had this one written down for at least a year because I nearly teared up the first time I saw it. Some things resonate with you as a person or as a writer.

Unbeta’d, as I don’t have the emotional energy or the ability to give a fuck. Unalpha’d, as I hate 99% of the trope (Joking! Except the hating 99% of the alpha/beta/omega trope part). No fucks given or unsolicited criticism taken. I have a mother for that, and she’s better at it than most of you.

“Relationships are like glass. Sometimes it’s better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.” Anonymous

Continue reading “Heartbreak”
Posted in NCIS, Thursday Vignette

Timely Arrival

Title: Timely Arrival
The Writer’s Table Thursday Vignettes on Rough Trade (image prompt)
NCIS, sentinel fusion
Tony DiNozzo, Original Male Character (played by Idris Elba)
Rating/Warnings: M;
offscreen kidnapping, assault, mentions of human trafficking, canon-typical violence
Notes: Written for the visual prompt above, Idris Elba and a really big damned tiger. 
Word Count: 1193

Summary: An arrest takes an interesting turn for sentinel Tony DiNozzo and his team.

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Posted in Bingos, JAG, NCIS, The Agent and the Admiral

Night Out

Title: Night Out
Series: The Agent and the Admiral #2
Fandom: NCIS, JAG
Pairing/Characters: always-a-girl Toni DiNozzo/AJ Chegwidden, others mentioned
Genre: always-a-different sex/gender changes, AU, romance
Rating/Warnings: R; explicit sex and swearing
Notes: Takes place in JAG season 8, after “Heart and Soul” and before the episode “Ice Queen” which is also the NCIS pilot episode. Pre-series NCIS. Toni has been at NCIS about a year and a half.
Prompt: Fluff Bingo ‘Date Night’ Square
Word Count: 3789

Synopsis: It wasn’t that Toni didn’t date, it was more that she tried to keep things light, easy, and uncomplicated. And yet, she was going on a date with Admiral AJ Chegwidden despite the fact the man had ‘complication’ written all over him.

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Posted in The Agent and the Admiral

The Agent and the Admiral Series

Series: The Agent and the Admiral
Fandom: NCIS, JAG
Pairing/Characters: always-a-girl Toni DiNozzo/AJ Chegwidden, others mentioned
Genre: Rule 63, always-a-different sex/gender changes, AU, romance, drama, casefic, action-adventure
Rating/Warnings: R; explicit sex and swearing; canon-typical violence; discussion of murder, violence, character death, violence against women (anything one might see on either show) and other typical crime procedural discussions of crime; character death (no main pairing character death), assault, and moments of tooth-rotting fluff.
Notes: Takes place in JAG season 8, after “Heart and Soul” and before the episode “Ice Queen” which is also the NCIS pilot episode. Begins pre-series NCIS, when Toni has been at NCIS about a year and a half. Series extends into through the first season of NCIS and possibly beyond.

Banner - Nightcap
Nightcap Admiral Chegwidden was just seeking a quiet drink and a respite from a boring Navy event. Antonia DiNozzo found him instead, and she turned out to be as potent as any nightcap.

banner - agent and admiral - night outNight Out It wasn’t that Toni didn’t date, it was more that she tried to keep things light, easy, and uncomplicated. And yet, she was going on a date with Admiral AJ Chegwidden despite the fact the man had ‘complication’ written all over him.

Posted in JAG, NCIS, The Agent and the Admiral


Title: Nightcap
Series: The Agent and the Admiral
Fandom: NCIS, JAG
Pairing/Characters: always-a-girl Toni DiNozzo/AJ Chegwidden, others mentioned
Genre: genderbent, AU, romance
Rating/Warnings: R; explicit sex and swearing
Notes: Takes place in JAG season 8, after “Heart and Soul” and before the episode “Ice Queen” which is also the NCIS pilot episode. Pre-series NCIS. Toni has been at NCIS about a year and a half.
Word Count: 2 694

Synopsis: Admiral Chegwidden was just seeking a quiet drink and a respite from a boring Navy event. Antonia DiNozzo found him instead, and she turned out to be a potent as any nightcap.

Continue reading “Nightcap”

Posted in Hawaii Five-0, NCIS, The Sentinel

Waves Towards The Shore

Title: Waves Towards The Shore
Fandom: NCIS/Hawaii Five-0, Sentinel Fusion
Pairing: Female Tony DiNozzo/Steve McGarrett
Genre: genderbend, casefic, action-adventure, romance, sentinel fusion, alternate universe
Word Count: 19 968
Canon-typical violence, child abandonment and abuse, mentions of murder and other criminal activities.
Notes: Written as part of the Rough Trade Little Black Dress Challenge for sentinel fusions in July 2018. This is not part of any other series or story I’ve written including other sentinel fusions. If you see elements or characterizations I’ve used before it’s because I have certain ongoing headcanons for favourite fandoms and characters, of which Tony DiNozzo is one. The child abandonment in the warnings regards a canon event in Tony’s life where his father leaves him alone in Hawaii for days. This takes place in the first season, canonically, of Hawaii Five-0 and after the third season of NCIS. The timelines don’t exactly line up because I don’t care and it’s an alternate universe.

Synopsis: Left behind by her father while he chased a wealthy new wife, budding guide Antonia DiNozzo is adopted by her mother’s family in England. Hawaii is behind her — until a hunt for an arms dealer brings her back to the island. And Steve McGarrett, the sentinel son of the man who once saved her.

Continue reading “Waves Towards The Shore”

Posted in JAG, NCIS

Bounce Back

Title: Bounce Back
Fandom: NCIS/JAG
Pairing: female Tony DiNozzo/AJ Chegwidden
Genre: post-episode (6×16 Bounce); romance
Warnings: I am not kind to Tim and Ziva and as far as I’m concerned, they deserve it.
Notes:  Like Boxed In and Dead Air, this episode pissed me off. 

Synopsis: An innocent man spent two years in prison. That’s not a joke, and only Tim and Ziva seem to be laughing. Responsibility and blame are not the same things.

If real police work was like a television show, there would only be one case on the deck at a time and they would end when the last question was answered and an arrest was made. All the motives would be neat and make sense, and you would be left with the assumption that the perp would get exactly what they deserved.

Toni DiNozzo was very fond of the small and silver screens — too fond, according to some — but real life wasn’t television and cop work was hell and gone more complex and less precise than police procedurals made out. Even the grittiest and most hardboiled of the lot, which might capture some of the cynicism, couldn’t come close to the reality.

For one thing, they didn’t show cops spending nearly enough time doing paperwork. Continue reading “Bounce Back”

Posted in Criminal Minds, Hawaii Five-0, NCIS, Variations on a Character

tBS: War Brides

Title: War Brides
Author: darkseraphina
Fandom: NCIS/Criminal Minds
Prompt: Rule 63

Characters/Pairings: Spencer Reid/Aaron Hotchner, Antonia DiNozzo/Steve McGarrett
Genre: historical AU (yes, really)
Word Count: 1990
Notes: So, I wrote a historical AU. And a Rule 63 story. At the same time. This is what happens when you spend time reorganizing a history section in a bookstore. I have no regrets. More seriously, I’m Canadian and that means that war brides are a large part of the post-WWII identity of my country; more than 40,000 brides from Britain and thousands more from Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy, and other nations immigrated to Canada in the years after the war. Some faced poverty, others rural isolation; some faced abuse and suffering. And some made happy lives, despite the strange circumstances and the difficulties of a world recovering from war.

Synopsis: They were more fortunate than most, even far from home and soon to reach a strange country. Continue reading “tBS: War Brides”

Posted in JAG, NCIS, Variations on a Theme

tBS: Uniform Tastes

Prompt: Surrender
Fandom: NCIS/JAG
Characters/Pairing: Toni DiNozzo/AJ Chegwidden; female Tony DiNozzo
Genre: erotic, romance
Rating/Warnings: yeah, this is Explicit. Definitely M or R. Here there be sexy times.
Word Count: 917
Notes: I wanted to write a bit of uniform kink; I got this. I can’t even write a blowjob without adding romance and character development. If this is wrong, I don’t want to be right.

Synopsis: “You know, Admiral, there’s something about a man in uniform.” Continue reading “tBS: Uniform Tastes”